Friday, January 18, 2013

Provident Living February

Provident Living


Remember to make adjustments to this month’s provident living goals so that they meet the needs of your individual circumstances and families.  Let a member of the Relief Society presidency know about your successes, questions, or struggles and we’ll include them in the Provident Living section of the newsletter or the blog to help other ward members.



James E. Faust said: “There is a wise old saying: “Eat it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.” Thrift is a practice of not wasting anything. Some people are able to get by because of the absence of expense. They have their shoes resoled, they patch, they mend, they sew, and they save money. They avoid installment buying, and make purchases only after saving enough to pay cash, thus avoiding interest charges. Frugality means to practice careful economy. (See Webster’s New World Dictionary, 2d. college edition.)” (“The Responsibility for Welfare Rests with Me and My Family,” April 1986 General Conference)


Spiritual Goal:  Schedule a time each day to read with your family from The Book of Mormon.


Provident Living Goal:  Plan and carry out a Family Home Evening on home fires.  Include planning an escape route and practicing it.


Storage Goal:

100 pounds (total) pasta and flour per person

Hand grain mill

Thread Needles




72 Hour Kit: 

1 gallon water per person


Personal documents—genealogical records, wills, passports, insurance information, contracts, birth certificates, patriarchal blessings, etc.  Also think about putting copies of these in a safety deposit box.

$25 cash