Monday, August 12, 2013


We had a great service project activity in May.  We got a quilt done for donation and we made stuffed animal owls for the NICU at IHC.  It was a lot of fun to socialize and drink smoothies while we "got our service on."  The owls turned out darling.  Thanks to everyone who came out that night and helped get these done.

In July, we had our 2nd annual clothing swap.  We combined with the 1st ward this year and we doubled the amount of stuff we had last year.  It was such a great day.  Many (like myself) were able to get clothes for their kids for school.  We also had a ton of adult clothes, shoes, toys, coats, books, and just fun miscellaneous items.  The clothes that were leftover will be going to the Africa donations (along with the dresses we collected at our 100 dresses activity).  It was fun to come have a treat, shop for free clothes, socialize, and then be able to donate so much afterward to Africa.  We had so many donations that we opened up the swap at the last 30-45 minutes to all of Fillmore and we still had a ton leftover.  We hope to do this again next year so put it in the back of your minds as you go through your items throughout the year.  We can set up a drop off if you have nowhere to store it too.   (The only picture I took at the swap had my son in it--this is just half of the room of donations).

Coming up on Saturday August 24th we will be having our Super Saturday.  We are combining with the 3rd ward for this activity and it is going to be excellent.  A lot of work and preparation has gone into this day (as well as speakers who will be traveling many hours to speak to us), so you really want to make sure to come.  The young women are invited to attend too.  It is from 10-5, but you do not need to come and stay the whole time.  Come for any part of the day you can make it.  The theme of this Super Saturday is "Timeless Teachings of the Savior" with all of our classes being centered around this theme. 

10:00-11:00    Keynote speakers:  Brother and Sister Loertscher (this will be held in the chapel).

11:15-12:00    Breakout sessions:  (choose one class, but they do repeat)
                       -Raising Responsible and Resilient Children
                       -Creating a Christ Centered and Peaceful Home

12:15-1:00     Luncheon (Sweet pork salads--like at Costa Vida) 

1:15-2:00       Breakout sessions:  (choose one class)
                      -Christ Centered Christmas
                      -Christ centered Easter/Applying the Atonement in our Daily Lives
                      -Creating a Christ Centered and Peaceful Home

2:15-3:00     Breakout sessions:  (choose one class)
                     -Fun Family Scripture Time and How to have a succesful Family Home Evening
                     -Raising Responsible and Resilient Children

3:00-5:00     Crafts:  We have had crafts on display at church to signup for.  We are offering a Family Birthday Reminder Board, YW personal progress holders, Temple Recommend Holders, and Missionary Growth Board.  If you have any questions about the crafts or signing up for one, contact the RS presidency.

Also at this time (if you didn't sign up for crafts or you get your crafts done fast), we are doing a service project in making pillow cases for children at Primary Children's Medical Center.  If you would like to donate any cute (for boys and girls) bright, happy, material we would really appreciate it.  The size of material we need for donations is 1 yard.

We will have a nursery available on this day as well so bring the kids if you need to.  If you have any questions about this day, please contact the RS Presidency.  We hope to see you all there!!!

Finally, on Tuesday September 3rd we will be having our annual Ward Harvest Dinner.  It will be at 6:00 p.m.  This year there will be an auction held at the dinner as a fundraiser.  If you are interested in donating any items, service, talents, etc., please contact the RS Presidency.  Ideas of donations could be anywhere from a household item, craft, babysitting, a blanket, a dinner for someone, dessert, etc.  The options are limitless.  Get creative!! 
We are also asked to bring our Title of Liberty to display at the Ward Harvest Dinner.  If you have not made yours yet, you need to come up with a family motto/saying/scripture.  It can be that in which you believe, value, and in essence are willing to work and stand for and then turn it into something that can be displayed at your house.  Ideas could be printing the words that you want and put it in a frame, vinyl saying on tile, wood board or on the wall.  It could be a picture or a banner/flag that hangs in the home or it could be a wall hanging.  For my title of liberty, I had my children think of the things we needed to work on most this year.  We came up with "Love, Kindness and Prayer."  We put the words on a 5x7 wooden board and had a picture of Christ in the center reminding us that he is our strength in working on these three areas.  It will be fun to see all the Title of Liberties on display at the Ward Harvest Dinner.